About Adele Howlett
Adele Howlett LRSH, MARH Registered Homeopath, TMW trainer Book a free 15 minute callI am Adele a Registered Homeopath providing one:one or online consultations in my private clinic in High Wycombe, Bucks
My first experience of homeopathy was in 2002. My son was about to start school and had painful warts on his lips. A local homeopath treated him and within 3 weeks the warts had completely disappeared. At 15 my eldest son became seriously ill. Having exhausted all other avenues it was only after using homeopathy in conjunction with a supportive GP, the adolescent unit at UCLH, a functional nutritionist that his road back to health kick started again. My passion to become a homeopath was truly born.
I have personally experienced trauma, bereavement, injury, and illness all of which have been supported by homeopathy and in the last 8 years enriched by TMW. One or both practices can support an individual to start to heal themselves on all levels of health. My working life has always been based around supporting people in their health through fitness and food choices. In addition to being a Homeopath and TMW trainer I am also a fully qualified fitness instructor of 19 years, including Exercise referral,& have been a Nordic Walking Instructor. My focus has always been working with nature, natural elements and the belief in the body’s true ability to rehabilitate and heal itself with the right support.

Adele Howlett LRSH, MARH Registered Homeopath, TMW trainer
I studied at the River School of Homeopathy and I am registered with the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths. My training and continued learning, has transformed my skills and own healing journey beyond recognition and I know that my life skills and experiences will enhance my ability within my professional limitations to provide you with a compassionate holistic approach to support your healing journey.

Support your body's own innate response in healing to bring harmony, health and balance
To find out how I can help book your free call now